Apache Lounge for Windows

Abdelaziz M
3 min readSep 30, 2024


Apache Lounge has provided up-to-date Windows binaries and popular third-party modules for more than 15 years, making it a go-to solution for running Apache HTTP Server on Windows machines.

What Is Apache Lounge?

Apache Lounge is a customized version of the Apache HTTP Server, specifically optimized for Windows. It offers precompiled binaries, modules, and extensions tailored to the Windows environment. It’s often favored for its stability, ease of use, and performance enhancements over the standard Apache distribution for Windows.

When to Use Apache Lounge?

Apache Lounge is most useful when you need to run an Apache HTTP Server on a Windows machine. Whether you’re setting up a local development server or a production-level web server, Apache Lounge can handle it efficiently.

  • Local Development Environments: Ideal for developers building websites or web apps using technologies like PHP, MySQL, etc.
  • Testing Environments: Test your web applications in a Windows environment that mirrors production setups.
  • Small or Large Web Servers: Whether it’s for a small business or a larger production server, Apache Lounge is a solid option for running Apache on Windows.

Why Apache Lounge?

  • Optimized for Windows: Apache Lounge binaries are tailored for Windows, providing better performance, stability, and integration with Windows services compared to the generic Apache releases.
  • Enhanced Security: It regularly incorporates the latest security patches and optimizations, ensuring that your server stays secure and up to date.
  • Wide Module Support: Apache Lounge offers compatibility with many popular third-party modules, such as mod_ssl and mod_rewrite, making it easy to expand your server’s capabilities.

How to Install Apache Lounge on Windows

Installing Apache Lounge is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Download Apache Binaries

Visit the Apache Lounge download page and download the latest version of Apache.

2. Unzip the Files

Extract the downloaded .zip file to a directory, for example: C:\Apache24.

3. Install Visual C++ Redistributable

Apache Lounge requires the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. You can download it from the official Microsoft website.

4. Configure Apache

  • Navigate to the Apache configuration file: C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf.
  • Open the file in a text editor.
  • Customize the settings as needed:

a. Set ServerRoot to the Apache installation directory: ServerRoot "C:/Apache24".
b. Enable PHP (if using PHP) by adding the following lines:

LoadModule php_module "C:/php/php7apache2_4.dll"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

c. Ensure proper configuration of DocumentRoot and virtual hosts as needed.

5. Install Apache as a Windows Service

  • Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.
  • Navigate to the Apache binary directory: C:\Apache24\bin.
  • Install Apache as a service by running:
httpd.exe -k install

This will ensure that Apache starts automatically when Windows boots.

6. Start and Stop Apache

  • To start Apache, run:
httpd.exe -k start
  • To stop Apache, use:
httpd.exe -k stop

Additional Tips for Configuration

  • SSL Setup: If you’re setting up SSL, make sure to enable the mod_ssl module and configure it in your httpd.conf:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so 
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
  • Virtual Hosts: For hosting multiple sites, you can configure virtual hosts within the httpd-vhosts.conf file. Example:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/Apache24/htdocs/site1"
ServerName site1.local
  • Error Troubleshooting: Common errors when setting up Apache Lounge can include port conflicts or misconfigured paths. Always check the Apache error logs located at C:\Apache24\logs\error.log for detailed information.


Apache Lounge is an excellent choice for those who prefer to run Apache on Windows. Its optimizations, security enhancements, and seamless integration with Windows services make it a great tool for developers, testers, and production environments alike. Whether you’re setting up a local development server or deploying to production, Apache Lounge provides a robust and flexible solution.

